Group Therapy

What is Group Therapy?

Group therapy

Group therapy can help normalize feelings related to trauma and stressors.  Group therapy helps people work through problems by interacting with a therapist and a group of individuals with similar struggles. Many studies show that group therapy can be just as effective as individual therapy or psychotherapy.

How Can a Group Therapy Session Help People?

Many people find group therapy slightly easier since group therapy provides a safe, confidential setting where each group member can share personal experiences, feelings and issues, and receive feedback and support from the rest of the group and/or the therapists who are facilitating the group.

Upcoming Groups at Austin Trauma Therapy Center

Austin Trauma Therapy Center provides group therapy weekly. Some groups include Trauma-Informed Yoga (group for sexual assault survivors), Intensive Outpatient Groups, Anger Management Groups, and more.

Get Therapy, Find a Group, or Therapist, Today

Contact Austin Trauma Therapy Center for more information about any upcoming group therapy sessions, or to set up an appointment for individual therapy.

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